With new snowfall records being set in much of Minnesota this winter, we are all hoping for an early start to warmer weather this spring, or asking ourselves, "Why didn't I go to a warmer climate for at least part of the winter?"
The Schwanke Museum staff has been working on some updates as well as making plans for some additional improvements before the museum opens in May.
Our gift shop has been moved from the east end of the museum building to the west end in an area of the tractor parts sales area, and is now open year around. The entrance is through the tractor parts/shop area inside the fence. If you are in need of a gift for a tractor or car collector, or looking for something for your collection, stop by and check out our selection of gift items.
The gift shop hours are now:
Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday 8 am to noon.
Be sure to follow the blog to keep up to date on new things happening this spring.